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Dec 29, 20244 min read
Signs You Were Raised in a Narcissistic Family
The impact of growing up in a narcissistic family shows up in all areas of life. Here are some of the tell-tale signs:

Dec 26, 20243 min read
Denial in Narcissistic Families: How Unspoken Truths Create Toxic Patterns That Keep You Stuck
In narcissistic families denial isn’t just a defense mechanism—it’s a way of life. The dysfunction is hidden in plain sight

Dec 25, 20242 min read
Invisible Tentacles: How Growing Up in a Narcissistic Family Creates Self-Sabotaging Beliefs That Keep You Stuck
Growing up in a narcissistic family feels like being caught by invisible tentacles— It leads to self-sabotaging patterns that trap you

Dec 23, 20243 min read
The Truth About Narcissistic Families: No One Wins—But You Can Heal
On the surface narcissistic families revolve around a clear winner—the narcissist. But the truth is in toxic dynamics, everyone loses.

Dec 21, 20243 min read
Why the Climate is Icy Cold in Narcissistic Families
Narcissistic families are notorious for fostering a chilly, isolating climate where emotional needs & genuine connection go unmet.

Dec 20, 20243 min read
Why Narcissistic Families Refuse to Face the Truth (And Blame You Instead)
Narcissistic families are like a sticky web: suffocating and impossible to escape unless you step outside completely. They thrive on denial

Dec 19, 20243 min read
The Truth About the Mirror Concept in Relationships with Narcissists
When I was dating a narcissist someone told me: “He’s just a reflection of you." They missed the true meaning of the mirror concept.

Dec 18, 20243 min read
The Hidden Dynamics That Keep You Stuck in Narcissistic Relationships
Narcissistic relationships thrive on hidden dynamics that keep you emotionally entangled, confused and dependent. Making it hard to leave.

Dec 17, 20243 min read
Why Your Courage And Authenticity Threaten Your Narcissistic Family
The narcissistic family relies on dysfunction to survive. Facing the truth—admitting the lies & unhealed wounds—would dismantle the system.

Dec 16, 20244 min read
The Father Wound: Understanding Its Impact and Healing Your Self-Image
The father wound is a deep, often unconscious injury. It shapes how you see yourself and how you navigate life in general.

Dec 15, 20243 min read
Understanding Your "Parts": Why You Feel Fragmented (And How to Begin Healing)
Trauma & Fragmentation: we unpack the idea of “parts.” Why they develop and how understanding them can help you integrate your whole self.

Dec 15, 20242 min read
Why Dysfunctional Families Keep You Stuck: Breaking Free as the Black Sheep
Dysfunctional families operate in survival. Instead of fostering safety & connection, they enforce unhealthy patterns to cover up pain.

Dec 13, 20242 min read
Suicidal Ideation and CPTSD: Creating Space for Healing
Suicidal ideation is a commonly misunderstood symptom. It signals overwhelming pain. It isn’t about wanting to die—it’s about wanting relief

Dec 13, 20243 min read
The Inner Critic: Unpacking Its Origins and Role in Healing
The inner critic is that relentless voice inside your head that's always ready to doubt, judge & belitte you. It's rooted in your childhood.

Dec 13, 20243 min read
People-Pleasing: Understanding the Deeper Reasons and Breaking Free
People-pleasing is often mislabelled as being kind. But below the surface-level niceness is a complex web of conditioning & unhealed wounds.

Dec 13, 20242 min read
Understanding the Mother Wound: How it Impacts Relationships and Success
Mother wound refers to the intergenerational pain and unmet emotional needs passed down —often unconsciously, from mother to child.

Dec 12, 20242 min read
Why Families Choose Scapegoats: Understanding the Dynamics
Have you ever wondered why you’re the one who always seems to get blamed? The scapegoat role isn’t random...
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