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Scorpio Rising. Aquarius Sun. Pisces Moon. Black Sheep. Cycle Breaker. Mother. Daughter. Friend. Rebel With A Cause. Artist. Painter. Reader. Writer. Healer. Mentor. Coach. Multi-Passionate. Multi-Dimensional. Awake But Not Woke. In Love With Life. 

Childhood Trauma & Family Dynamics

Born into a family marked by severe war trauma. Right from the get-go, the weight of my family’s unresolved pain was suffocating. My Iranian father disappeared & left my young mom flailing. Racism due to my German-Iranian background made me feel like I didn't belong - culturally & within my family. Growing up with adults in survival left me feeling silenced & invisible. The feeling that I shouldn't exist was all-pervasive.

Sexual assault. Hit & Run. Held up at gun point. Alcohol poisoning.


Anxiety, depression, dissociation, flashbacks, nightmares. Desperately ashamed. Feeling disconnectedworthless & broken

Turns Out Rehashing The Past Doesn't Change The Present 

Started 25+ year talk-therapy-marathon that left me feeling 'unfixable'. â€‹

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My Teens Were Intense

Tried Running Away From Myself & Discovered: It Doesn't Work

Moving to London at 21 brought temporary hope. I excelled academically, but still felt lost inside. Self-effacing had become my go-to pattern, leading to a domineering marriage, a move to Canada, a divorce and an abusive relationship with a narcissist where I lost all sense of self & got trapped in a cycle of emotional & financial abuse that led me to stay way longer than I should have, desperate to give my children the 'normal' family I never had.

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walked out in 2017. Single mom of two, determined to heal. We lived on welfare until I started working as an illustrator. Successful on paper (the mayor even commissioned his portrait) I couldn't shake the feeling that there was more, but that I had missed the boat.

Spiritual Awakening

I broke down in the summer of 2019. I literally cry-sobbed at the universe "I can't keep going like this. Give me my purpose, I'll do anything you have me do, I'll even stop drawing if it isn't what I'm here to do."

Connecting With MY Gifts

Somehow my 'prayer' opened the door to a new way of living. Within days I was enrolled in several certification programs:

Spiritual Coaching, Life Purpose Coaching, EFT Practitioner, Tarot Advisor. But the true turning pointSound Healing.

Healing PTSD

Sound healing unlocked buried trauma - in a way that didn't re-traumatize me. Instead, with each session I had massive breakthroughs—the anxiety, the brain fog, the harsh inner critic, the crippling lack of self-worth—finally all started to shift.


Within a short few months I felt at peace, happy, slept well & woke up energized, and no longer felt held back by my past. That's when I realized: This is an incredible gift & I'm here to share it with the world. 

Stepping Into My Purpose

Soon I was helping others make peace with their past & gain clarity to make bold decisions leading to their unique version of success. They went from feeling lost, broken & disconnected to having the courage to leave toxic dynamics and stand in their truth. All without having to spend years in therapy... I had found my calling.

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Birthing A New Way Of Healing

Through another twist of fate I stumbled into studying natal chart astrology & became obsessed. At first I simply used it to gain insight into personality. Then I discovered that the natal chart exists 'for real' as a cosmic blueprint that holds the key to healing every area of your life.


This led to the creation of The Cosmic Blueprint Method—an incredibly powerful soul-technology that combines sound healing, trauma release, and the natal chart to help you heal & step into your true soul purpose.

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